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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102332/01
Title Low Grade Waste Heat Driven CHP Combined with Ejector System for Heating, Cooling and Power Generation in the Drink Supply Chain
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Industry) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 50%;
Applied Research and Development 50%;
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (General Engineering and Mineral & Mining Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Environmental Process Systems Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 October 2015
End Date 30 September 2017
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £459,245
Industrial Sectors
Region East of England
Programme Competition Call: 1410_CRD2_AGRI_FD_IFSCE - Improving food supply chain efficiency. Activity Improving food supply chain efficiency
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Environmental Process Systems Limited (20.904%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University of Nottingham (33.369%)
Project Contact , Geo Green Power Limited (10.452%)
Project Contact , P.A.K. Engineering Limited (11.758%)
Project Contact , Venturi Jet Pumps Limited (10.452%)
Project Contact , Tynemill Limited (13.065%)
Web Site
Abstract The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.The project aims to design/optimise and construct a small scale (5kW electricity power/3kW cooling) prototype waste heat-driven Combined Moist Airflow System (MAS) - Trigeneration - Ejector system, suitable for sustainable heating/cooling and electricity generation at reduced cost for the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants. Through the utilisation of waste heat recovery technology, the proposed system will harness low grade waste heat (80 C or over) released from flue gases of the food and drink manufacturing and (re) processing plants for heat/coolth production and electricity generation that could be rechanneled in the production process, thereby making more efficient use of waste heat/flue gas recovery and reducing industrial emissions, while reducing the cost of production. In addition there will be economic impact through, improved resource efficiency of the drink supply chain, greater productivity in the beer brewing process plants with a high potential for existing/new food and drink manufacturing (e.g. beer brewing process) and (re)processing operation plants, providing cooling/heating and power generation at low cost.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 03/01/18